1910 October 5th New York Tribune
Revolution Was Decided Upon Only on Monday Night.
Lisbon. Oct. 5. — A report was circulated late to-night that the revolutionists had been checked and were retiring in the direction of Monsanto.
The revolution was decided upon only at 8 o'clock Monday night, at the urgent Insistence of Admiral Reis. The government had ordered the cruiser Don Carlos to leave port the following day.
This tardy decision prevented profiting by all the elements favourable to the revolution. Some of the positions by the revolutionists in Lisbon have been reinforced as a precaution against possible attacks by troops which have not yet adhered to the republic.
President-elect of Brazil Marshal Hermes Fonseca has delayed his departure and remains in Lisbon.
The yacht Amelie has put out to sea with the Duke of Oporto, who embarked at Cascaes. It is believed that the yacht is going to take aboard other members of the royal family at Peniche or Ericeira.
4 comentários:
E só uma vontade, embora férrea, não desistia de tentar salvar a Monarquia: Henrique de Paiva Couceiro. Tivessem havido mais 2 ou 3 tão determinados como ele, e esta revolução lisboeta poderia ter tido outro desfecho.
De Lisboa para o resto do país, a República foi implantada por telégrafo...
O grande problema, é que não existia condições para haver mais 2ou 3 como Paiva Couceiro. Tendo em conta, a anarquia em que o país tinha mergulhado. Gostei da sua designação de revolução lisboeta.
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