1910 October 5th New York Tribune
Great Britain May Aid Manuel if He Applies for Protection--Spanish Minister Calls on Republican Leaders.
Portugal has been proclaimed a republic. According to the latest Lisbon advices, Theophile Braga, a noted Republican leader, is the new President. The "Portuguese Marseillaise" is the new national anthem, and the emblem of monarchy on the palace has been replaced by the flag of Red and Green, the colours of the Republican party.
That there was fierce fighting in the streets of Lisbon is confirmed by dispatches from all quarters. Disorders at Oporto have been repressed by the troops, many regiments of which are said to be still loyal to the King.
King Manuel, the Queen mother and the Queen Dowager are reported to have taken refuge in the palace at Mafra, a short distance out of Lisbon. They may now be on a British warship bound for Gibraltar. At least they are considered to have reached a place of safety.
London advices State that by a treaty of alliance Great Britain is bound to afford protection to the King of Portugal, it this is “dully applied for." The French newspapers are urging the government of France not to permit intervention, even if Spain too is threatened with an overthrow. The French Cabinet will meet to-morrow to deliberate on the Portuguese situation and the advisability of sending a warship to Lisbon.
A significant incident, according to the Lisbon dispatches, was the visit paid by the Spanish Minister to the Republican leaders after the fall of the palace and the flag of the revolution was hoisted on the Town Hall.
3 comentários:
Até fico agoniado ao ler isto...
Eu também fico, Nuno: há mais de dois anos que a minhas leituras quase se resumem a isto. É para reagirmos inspirarmos e não esmorecemrmos.
Esta foto é muito curiosa,pois foi tirada pelo grande fotografo de origem judaica Joshua Benoliel e que capta o momento em que o Visconde da Ribeira Brava desce na sua "limo"festejando com a "populaça ululante" a implantanção da republica a Rua do Alecrim---para quem sabe de quem se trata...é uma curiosidade...
Tintin Brially
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